PLV Action Plan

As you are aware, MCIA in collaboration with Zemo Partnership will be launching the Sector Action Plan (Scooters, Motorcycles and other L-Category vehicles) on Wednesday 2nd February from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The Future of Transport Minister, Trudy Harrison MP, will be giving a keynote speech. You should have all received your invites by now (link to follow).
As a reminder, the Government tasked MCIA in its Transport Decarbonisation Plan last July to develop an Action Plan for the sector to help realise its full potential by creating new UK industrial, business and consumer opportunities.
To ensure the Plan is given the profile it deserves, we have put together the attached communications toolkit to help members disseminate some of the Plan’s key messages and actions on social media on the day of the launch and after. This includes draft tweets/LinkedIn posts, as well as graphics which highlight the ten joint actions we are calling for from Government.
The toolkit also includes a draft template letter for members to use when writing to their local MP after the launch, asking them to support the Plan and hold the Government to account when it comes to the full and proper implementation of its actions.
We urge members to get behind the Action Plan as much as possible and please do pass this email on to the relevant marketing/communications contacts within your organisations as appropriate.
When tweeting, please include @MCIAtweets and @Zemo_Org. When using LinkedIn, please include @MCIA UK and @Zemo Partnership. So that we can retweet, favourite, and monitor everything you are doing, please use the hashtag #PLVActionPlan.
In addition to the attached, all these resources can be found on our website here.
MB 2022 01 09