Powered Light Vehicle Sector to Advise The Council for Net Zero Transport on How to Maximise its Potential

Powered Light Vehicle Sector to Advise The Council for Net Zero Transport on How to Maximise its Potential

Tony Campbell, CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA), took part in today’s Council for Net Zero Transport Quarterly Briefing, hosted by Zemo Partnership. The Council is tasked with guiding the UK Government’s strategy on decarbonising road transport.

During the panel, Campbell emphasised the critical role of powered light vehicles (PLVs) in achieving net zero goals. He highlighted the untapped potential of this sector and stressed the need for an updated Action Plan to address current policy gaps. Campbell, who has joined the Council's Strategic Advisory Group, aims to ensure that PLVs are central to the Council’s mission.

Zemo Partnership is already familiar with the PLV industry through its collaboration with MCIA on the 2022 Action Plan: "Realising the Full Potential of Zero Emission Powered Light Vehicles". 

MCIA CEO Tony Campbell said: “I look forward to working with the Council for Net Zero Transport as part of its Strategic Advisory Group.

With road transport decarbonisation stagnating, the powered light vehicle sector presents significant, untapped potential.

We urge the new Government to collaborate with us to deliver on our Action Plan. By harnessing this potential, we can drive progress and play a crucial role in building an affordable and efficient decarbonised transport network.”


Notes for Editors:

MCIA represents over 90% of the supply side of the industry; the manufacturers and importers of powered two wheelers (PTWs) and other PLVs (or L-Category vehicles), accessory and component suppliers and companies providing associated services. 

For more information about MCIA or to interview Tony Campbell, CEO, please call 07976 714094 or email s.waters@mcia.co.uk.