March Powered Two-Wheeler Registration Figures

MCIA have today released the March registration figures for L-category vehicles. Showing a small yet encouraging increase in registrations of 3.9% against pre-pandemic 2019, for the first quarter. Within this figure the fully electric segment again goes from strength to strength, now occupying 7% of the total market.
Electric vehicles have no doubt been a beneficiary of recent fuel hikes, this, combined with the flexible, social and environmental factors of using a powered two-wheeler (PTW) will no doubt see the electric sectors’ continued growth throughout the year.
It is not just fully electric that enjoys significant growth as many segments of the Motorcycle Market are charging ahead in 2022. Adventure, Custom and Touring Motorcycles all seeing massive growth as riders upgrade their pride and joy to the latest bike. The sector is also attracting new riders to the community both for leisure and the low cost of transport.
Tony Campbell, CEO of MCIA said “To see registrations back to pre-pandemic levels is a real positive. Leisure riders are embracing the change in season and it’s encouraging to see new riders turning to both electric & petrol PTWs as their transport choice. We will continue pushing forward to deliver the actions of the sector Action Plan to remove barriers to riding, and to promote Powered Two Wheelers as a significant and climate friendly transport & leisure option”.
More details about March PTW registrations can be found here.
Please credit MCIA when quoting this information.